Monday, January 26, 2015

Pasta Class

Richard sent me to a pasta class with my friend Emily and mother-in-law fora Christmas present. The class was taught by a sweet woman who brought us into her home and kitchen. We learned to make pesto lasagna, tagliatelle, gnocchi and tiramisu! My favorites were the gnocchi and tiramisu. Words can't describe how tasty it all was. And eating it after we had spent hours making it all by hand was so rewarding!

The gnocchi was actually much easier than I thought it would be. Using this little gnocchi board to add decorative lines in the gnocchi was fun too.

The tagliatelle is what took the longest. We mixed the ingredients, let it rest, kneaded it, then rolled it so thin that you could read something placed underneath it.

The tagliatelle was then folded, cut and set out to dry.

Our teacher served us our hand-made dishes at the end.

The tiramisu was amazing! And the teacher also gave us some limoncello made by her family using lemons from her family's land in southern Italy.

Here is our whole class. It was so much fun!

If you're interested in taking this class, I highly recommend it. Go to for class schedules.

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