Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Hope Turns Three

I feel like Hope has been three forever.  Maybe it's because she's 3 going on 13! She's quite the talker and she can boss around her big brother too. So when her birthday came around I almost felt like she should be turning four!

We celebrated Hope's birthday over two different days. One day we did gifts and cake, and another day we went to a children's museum called Technopolis. For her cake, Hope requested apple cake. I had her cover it with powdered sugar, and we sang Happy Birthday to her. Now, normally she's excited to watch people "blow out the fire" aka candle, but when it was her turn to do it, she just cried! She was afraid the fire was going to hurt her. I couldn't help but laugh, it was too cute!

Out of all her presents, Hope's favorites are a baby doll crib and Anna and Elsa dolls. The dolls always sleep in the crib next to Hope's bed.

She also loves her Elsa dress up costume.

At Technopolis the kids had fun brushing gigantic teeth, "driving" and ambulance, creating a marble maze and building with giant Lego bricks. Not to mention some really cool demonstrations.

It's been fun to watch Hope grow and see her own unique personality. I call her our "class clown", because she is always being silly and loves to make people laugh. Her favorite color is pink, but she tells me it has to be really pink aka bright pink. I can picture Hope having bright pink clothes, cell phone and car when she's older. Seriously!

Happy birthday to our sweet and silly little three year old!

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