On Monday, we have an ultrasound appointment. If the baby is cooperating, we'll be able to find out the gender. I am SO excited! I feel like knowing the gender will allow me to bond more with my child, and of course there's all the planning I'll get to do. Lately Richard and I have been thinking we may be having a boy... Or maybe we're just leaning towards wanting a boy, and that makes us think we'll have one. Either way, we're just excited to know more about who is growing inside me.
My local friends have begun something that's turning into a tradition, and I will be keeping up with the "Gender Revealing Party". This is a party where we will reveal the gender of our baby to our friends via cake. (Go figure... I love cake... OK I love all sweets). When Richard and I find out the gender, I'll bake a cake that is colored either pink or blue, and cover it in a neutral frosting. At the party, we'll be revealing the gender of our baby by cutting into the cake and revealing the color inside. Everyone will be sporting the color they are "rooting" for, and the winners will get a prize. Of course, I think Richard and I are the real winners :-).
On another baby topic... This weekend I had my first experience where a stranger noticed I was pregnant. She insisted that I go first in the ladies room. How nice! Although I think she was brave for asking if I was pregnant at this stage, because I could have responded "I'm not pregnant!!", then she would have been really embarrassed.
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