Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gabriel's trip to the Apple store

Some of you may not know (because she hasn't blogged about it) that Sarah upgraded her Droid to an iPhone two weeks ago.  Most of you do know however that the iPhone has had some 'software' issues since its release.  Well, all was not fixed on Sarah's iPhone with the iOS 5.0.1 update so off the family went to the Apple store at the Manhattan Beach mall.

Upon arriving at the Apple store, Gabriel was surprised to see a very long line leading into the store.  He knew his nap was in an hour and this was his first cause for concern.

"Could so many iPhones be broken?", he thought.  If the iPhone is having issues, what about my phone?

Outrage immediately set in when Gabriel pulled out his phone and discovered the rattle only made noise when shaken!  This is much bigger issue than mom's Siri problems.

Outrage turned to sadness, and Gabriel wondered if there was a software fix for his phone.  Facetime wouldn't be bad either, as long as there was a WiFi connection available.

Just as Apple was able to fix Sarah's iPhone (with a wipe and reload of the iOS), Daddy was able to shake Gabriel's phone enough to make him laugh.  Neither Android nor Apple can bring joy to a father like his son's smile.


  1. I love this post! These pics are too funny! Gabe don't worry you can totally facetime on your rattle phone!

  2. So cute!! I know your pain, Gabriel. My new iPhone took some getting used to also. I wish I had a rattle phone - so much easier to work with :)
