Gabriel is now 19 weeks old. He weighs 14 pounds and 6 ounces, and is 25 inches long. That is the 25th percentile for weight and the 50th percentile for height. I talked to the doctor about my concerns with Gabriel's slower weight gain, but he is not worried at all. Gabriel is healthy is all areas and really has no problems.
New things...
- As I write this, Gabe is squealing and waving his arms. He's such a happy baby. In fact, he has recently started doing the "happy baby" yoga pose. That's where you lie on your back and grab your feet with your hands.
- He can put all his weight on his legs for a short time. Every morning, I sit on the floor and hold him steady while he dances around on his legs.
- He reaches up to grab our face and/or toys. He's been doing this for a while, but with more precision now.
- He continues to hold his head up well during tummy time, and can now squirm in a circle in order to look at a toy.
- He just started eating rice cereal for his first solid food. Although he made some funny faces at first, he seems to really enjoy it now.
He seems so active now, but the doctor made a point to tell me how much more he'll move around once he starts to crawl and walk. I honestly can't even picture him doing that. Right now, he's still a little baby that needs to be carried everywhere.
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