Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Caught on Candid Camera

Some cuteness I caught on my phone that just needs to be shared...

Sir Gabriel, Knight of the Round Table

Gabriel likes to help blow off hot food. He's very good at it.

Richard put a big bouncy ball in his shirt to hide it from Gabriel. Well, Gabriel always wants to be like his daddy. So he then put a small ball in Gabriel's shirt. Then they sat on the floor and danced to the music that was playing.

I was cooking and heard this "mama! mama!". I recognized the sound as meaning Gabriel wasn't hurt, but needed my help. Sure enough, I walk around the corner to find him stuck on the shelf inside a cabinet, not knowing how to get down.

Gotta love these moments. They make me smile.

1 comment:

  1. Sir Gabriel is such a cutie!! I say yay for empty cabinets too!!
