Friday, November 30, 2012

Pregnancy With Hope

This picture of me was taken on Thanksgiving day, when I was 32 weeks pregnant.

My pregnancy with Hope has been much different than my pregnancy with Gabriel. Hope moves around constantly, but Gabriel hardly moved at all. I even went to the hospital once when I couldn't feel him move for a long time. I also have more aches and pains with Hope. As I write this, I am 33 weeks pregnant and I often feel just as tired as I did during the first trimester. I am sure some of the differences are because I am taking care of a 30 pound toddler all day.

Hope's due date is January 13, but I keep thinking she'll come earlier than that. Although, I want her to be born far enough away from the holidays that she can celebrate her birthday separately. So I am thinking January 5 might be a good day, if I was able to pick it.

Only seven weeks to go! Or less :)

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